Let us introduce ourselves
The Science and Mathematics Academy (SMA) is a member of the National Consortium of Secondary STEM Schools (NCSSS). The NCSSS is comprised of over 100 specialized schools across 32 states whose vision is to serve as a primary catalyst for the transformation of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics teaching and learning to enable students to meet the challenges of the future.
The SMA offers a college preparatory program in which students engage in challenging coursework that prepares them for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) opportunities in higher education. All courses emphasize problem solving and creative thinking through inquiry-based learning. Advanced placement courses in science and mathematics are offered to students, as well as a large selection of science and mathematics semester electives based on students' interest and faculty experience:
Exclusive to the SMA is a four-year sequenced series of courses called Science, Research, and Technology (SRT I-IV) in which students integrate STEM curriculum in relevant and authentic research. Regular contact with practicing scientists, engineers, and mathematicians occurs throughout the program. Beginning in the junior year of the SRT course sequence, each student completes projects in the following fields:
- Biotechnology & medical sciences
- Pre-engineering & physical sciences
- Computational sciences & mathematics
- Geosciences & environmental sciences
In the senior year, each student conducts a capstone research project under the mentorship of a professional scientist, mathematician, or engineer. The year-long capstone project concludes with a detailed, scientific poster and a presentation to peers, faculty, parents, and mentors.
Learn More About the SMA
When will I learn my child's status?
There are two rounds of admission. All admission communication will be sent via email using the email addresses used in the online application process.
Round 1: First week in January (invitation to in person assessment)
Round 2: First week in February (final admissions status update)
How many students will be admitted to the Science and Mathematics Academy?
Up to 55 students will be admitted to the Science and Mathematics Academy. A waitlist will be maintained in the event openings become available.
What if my student applied to multiple magnet programs and is also accepted to Harford Technical High School, Global Studies/International Baccalaureate, or Natural Resources/Agricultural Sciences?
Students admitted into more than one magnet program have the option to select the program of their choice.
If my student is placed on the SMA waitlist, but accepts admission to another magnet program, can my student remain on the SMA waitlist?
We allow them to remain on our waitlist until the first day of the school year.
When and where will summer Geometry be offered?
Summer Geometry is offered to all students needing Geometry, regardless of their status as an admitted student or waitlisted student. Waitlisted and admitted students who do not take summer Geometry will be withdrawn from consideration.
Summer Geometry runs Monday - Thursday (Cyber-Friday classes) during the month of July 7:30am - 230pm at AHS (course may run into the start of August). The cost of the course is $350 per student (subject to change). Student are responsible for providing their own transportation.
Students must earn a B or better to be admitted to the SMA.
Can a student find out where they are on the waitlist?
This information can be requested via email (sarah.ashley@hcps.org) following the February admissions emails.
What happens after my student has been accepted?
Accepted students will receive a packet of information via email including information about transportation, class registration, extracurricular opportunities, summer assignments, and Geometry registration. A meeting for accepted students will be held during the first week in May in the AHS auditorium and will be followed by a tour of the building and SMA.
Will my child be provided transportation?
Yes, Harford County Public Schools will provide transportation at no cost. Each magnet student's home high school will now serve as the designated depot stop.
Browse our program profile, brochure, and outline of course requirements.
The SMA is a four year program with a mandatory 2 credit research project, that is to be completed during the senior school year.